Part of the Politics series
Electoral systems |
Plurality/majoritarian Plurality
- First-past-the-post
- Single non-transferable vote
- Limited voting
- Plurality-at-large (block voting)
- General ticket
- Multi-round voting
- Two-round
- Exhaustive ballot
Ranked / preferential systems
Instant-runoff (alternative vote)
- Contingent vote
- Coombs' method
Condorcet methods (Copeland's, Dodgson's, Kemeny–Young, Minimax, Nanson's, ranked pairs, Schulze, Alternative Smith)
- Borda count
Bucklin voting
- Oklahoma primary electoral system
- Preferential block voting
Cardinal / graded systems
- Score voting
Approval voting (unified primary)
- Multi-winner approval voting (proportional, sequential proportional, satisfaction)
- Majority judgment
- STAR voting
Proportional representation Party-list (open lists, closed lists, local lists)
Highest averages (D'Hondt, Sainte-Laguë, Huntington–Hill)
Largest remainder (Hare, Droop, Imperiali, Hagenbach-Bischoff)
Single transferable vote (CPO-STV, Gregory, Schulze STV, Wright)
Biproportional apportionment
Mixed systems Mixed-member proportional
- Parallel voting (mixed-member majoritarian)
- Scorporo
- Majority bonus
- Alternative Vote Plus
- Dual-member proportional
- Rural–urban proportional
Other systems & related theory - Cumulative voting
- Binomial voting
Proxy voting
- Random selection (sortition, random ballot)
- Comparison of electoral systems
Social choice theory
- Arrow's theorem
- Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem
- Public choice theory
Politics portal
The Imperiali quota is a formula used to calculate the minimum number, or quota, of votes required to capture a seat in some forms of single transferable vote or largest remainder method party-list proportional representation voting systems. It is distinct from the Imperiali method, a type of highest average method. It is named after Belgian senator Pierre Imperiali.
Ecuador is among the few countries that uses this allocation system, while Italy used it for its Chamber of Deputies from 1946 to 1993.
If a large number of party lists poll just over the Imperiali quota, it is possible for this method to distribute more seats than there are vacancies to fill (this is not possible with the Hare or Droop quotas). If this occurs, the result needs to be recalculated with a higher quota (usually the Droop quota). If it does not happen, Imperiali usually distributes seats in a similar fashion to the d'Hondt method—i.e., favouring larger parties.
The Imperiali quota may be given as:
- totalvotestotalseats+2displaystyle frac mboxtotal;mboxvotesmboxtotal;mboxseats+2
Total votes = the total valid poll; that is, the number of valid (unspoilt) votes cast in an election.
Total seats = the total number of seats to be filled in the election.
An example of use in STV
To see how the Imperiali quota works in an STV election imagine an election in which there are 2 seats to be filled and 3 candidates: Andrea, Carter and Brad. There are 100 voters as follows:
65 voters
- Andrea
- Carter
15 voters
- Carter
20 voters
- Brad
There are 100 voters and 2 seats. The Imperiali quota is therefore:
- 1002+2=25displaystyle frac 1002+2=25
To begin the count the first preferences cast for each candidate are tallied and are as follows:
- Andrea: 65
- Carter: 15
- Brad: 20
Andrea has more than 25 votes. She therefore has reached the quota and is declared elected. She has 40 votes more than the quota so these votes are transferred to Carter, as specified on the ballots. The tallies therefore become:
Carter has now reached the quota so he is declared elected. The winners are therefore Andrea and Carter.
Types of majority
Single member |
- Plurality
- Majority
- Supermajority
- Double majority
Multi-member (election threshold) |
- Hare quota
- Droop quota
- Imperiali quota
- Hagenbach-Bischoff quota
Electoral systems
Part of the politics and election series |
Single-winner voting system |
Approval voting
- Borda count
- Bucklin voting
- Contingent vote
Condorcet methods
- Coombs' method
- Copeland's method
- Dodgson's method
- Kemeny–Young method
- Minimax Condorcet
- Nanson's method
- Ranked pairs
- Schulze method
- Exhaustive ballot
- First-past-the-post voting
- Instant-runoff voting
- Majority judgment
- Simple majoritarianism
- Plurality
- Positional voting system
- Score voting
- STAR voting
- Two-round system
Proportional representation |
- Mixed-member
- Dual member proportional
- Party-list
- Single transferable vote
- Schulze STV
Highest averages method
- Webster/Sainte-Laguë
- D'Hondt
- Largest remainder method
- Alternative vote Plus
Semi-proportional representation |
- Parallel voting
- Single non-transferable vote
- Cumulative voting
- Limited voting
- Proportional approval voting
- Sequential proportional approval voting
- Satisfaction approval voting
Usage |
- Table of voting systems by country
Voting system criteria |
- Comparison
- Condorcet criterion
- Condorcet loser criterion
- Consistency criterion
- Independence of clones
- Independence of irrelevant alternatives
- Independence of Smith-dominated alternatives
- Later-no-harm criterion
- Majority criterion
- Majority loser criterion
- Monotonicity criterion
- Mutual majority criterion
- Pareto efficiency
- Participation criterion
- Plurality criterion
- Resolvability criterion
- Reversal symmetry
- Smith criterion
Voting system quotas |
- Droop quota
- Hagenbach-Bischoff quota
- Hare quota
- Imperiali quota
Other |
- Ballot
- Election threshold
- First-preference votes
- Spoilt vote
- Sortition
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