
Showing posts from December 28, 2018


Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP 竺佛念 ,又稱 佛念 。涼州(今甘肅武威)沙門,晉代著名譯師之一,卒于長安。慧皎称“自世高、支谦以後,莫逾于念,在苻、姚二代,为译人之宗” [1] ,盛讚其譯經的功績。 生平 早年出家。前秦建元年間來長安,家世西河,“华、戎音义,莫不兼解” [2] 。 苻秦建元十八年(382年)協助曇摩蜱(Dharmaprīya)傳譯《摩訶鉢羅若波羅蜜經抄》等,又協助鳩摩羅佛提(Kumāra-buddhi)傳譯《四阿鋡暮抄解》。 建元十九、二十年間,協助僧伽跋澄、曇摩難提、僧伽提婆等人,傳譯《婆須蜜經》、《僧伽羅剎集經》、《增壹阿含經》、《中阿含經》、《阿毘曇八揵度》等。 後秦弘始十五年(413年)協助佛陀耶舍傳譯《長阿含經》。 他經手的譯作尚有《菩萨璎珞经》十二卷、《十住断结经》十卷、《出曜经》二十卷、《菩萨处胎经》五卷、《中阴经》二卷、《王子法益壞目因緣經》一卷等。 注釋 ^ 《竺佛念传》,《高僧传》卷一 ^ 《竺佛念传》,《高僧传》卷一


Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP

Bus rapid transit

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP "Transitway" redirects here. For the network in Ottawa, see Transitway (Ottawa). For other BRT systems, see List of bus rapid transit systems. TransJakarta in Jakarta, Indonesia. With a length of 230.9 km (2017), it has the longest BRT system in the world. [1] Transfer station in Curitiba's Linha Verde, Brazil Bus rapid transit ( BRT ), also called a busway or transitway , is a bus-based public transport system designed to improve capacity and reliability relative to a conventional bus system. [2] Typically, a BRT system includes roadways that are dedicated to buses, and gives priority to buses at intersections where buses may interact with other traffic; alongside design features to reduce delays caused by passengers boarding or leaving buses, or purchasing fares. BRT aims to combine the capacity and speed of a metro with the flexibility, lower cost and simplicity of a bus system. The first BRT system was the Rede Integrada de Transpor