Mirage tank (Red Alert 2)

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RA2 Gameicon.pngYR Gameicon.png

RA2 Mirage Tank Icons.pngRA2 Mirage Tank Veteran Icons.png

Mirage Tank

CNCRA2 Mirage Tank.png

RA2Alliedlogo.png Allied Forces


Advanced support tank


Heat-ray gun



Tech level


Hit points


Armour type




Build time


Produced by

Allied war factory


Allied battle lab

Ground attack

100 (150 when elite) (MirageWH)


70 (80 when elite)



Attack range

7 (9 when elite)

Sight range



Can disguise into tree

Elite upgrade

Increased strength, firepower, rate of fire, self-healing

The Mirage tank is a camouflaged Allied support tank in Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge.


  • 1 Background

  • 2 In-game


    • 3.1 When selected

    • 3.2 When moving

    • 3.3 When ordered to attack

  • 4 Gallery

  • 5 Trivia

Background |

The tank is a technological marvel created by Albert Einstein. Developed relatively late in the war, it incorporated technology allowing it to take on the appearance of any organic item in order to disguise itself. Like in Shakespeare's Macbeth, the Mirage tank was designed so that the forest could move.

The Mirage consists of a hemispherical turret mounted on a light tank chassis. The most prominent features, when not in hiding, are the twin projection units extending from the sides of the main turret. They change the tank's appearance to that of a nearby tree in the eyes of the enemy. They can take out enemies using a surprise attack. They attack with a heat-ray weapon.

In-game |

It can quickly snipe almost all infantry, Soviet or Yuri, in just one or two shots and destroy most tanks in between three and five. Light vehicles like the Flak track do not stand much of a chance against the Mirage tank. A group consisting of 3 to 4 Mirage Tanks can quickly destroy most enemy buildings except for the construction yard. However, its best use is as a defender of vulnerable areas, as a group of them can lie in wait and then ambush nearby enemies to offset its apparent lack of armor protection.

Their first appearance is in the Mirage mission, when the commander had to defend Einstein's laboratory and his Chronosphere.

Quotes |

Note: in Red Alert 2, the Mirage tank shares its quotes with the Grizzly battle tank.

When selected |

  • Mean, green, and unseen.

  • Aren't the trees lovely?

  • Perfect hideout.

  • Natural sanctuary.

  • Want some shade?

  • Nobody's here but us trees!

When moving |

  • Layin' low.

  • Look natural.

  • Creeping ahead.

  • On the prowl.

  • Re-planting.

  • Going mobile.

  • Now you see me, soon you won't.

When ordered to attack |

  • Surprise!

  • Ha-ha!

  • Sneak attack!

  • One more for the landfill!

  • Time for an ambush!

Gallery |

Trivia |

  • An M42 Duster model was used for the alpha icon.

  • In its beta appearance, it had twin cannons.

  • A British Challenger 2 model was used for the final icon.

  • In the icon, the Mirage tank has its turret rotated, while this is not possible in game. This is required for its camouflage logic to work, as problems occur when the game tries to disguise two joined voxels.

  • Originally, the Mirage Tank was supposed to be able to select the terrain object such as rocks, signs, light posts, etc. in addition to the standard trees, to disguise in a similar manner to the spy[citation needed]. However it was felt that this caused too much micro-management - one had to 'deploy' the tank (like the Siege Chopper in Yuri's Revenge) to get it to disguise, then it could only fire when disguised. Finally one had to 'undeploy' the tank to move it again. Some mods like Mental Omega enable this function.

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