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《共和國戰歌》 | |
1862年《共和國戰歌》曲谱封面 | |
作词 | 朱莉亞·沃德·豪,1861年 |
作曲 | 威廉·史蒂夫作于1856年 James Greenleaf、C. S. Hall 及 C. B. Marsh 配器,1861年 |
音樂試聽 | |
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《共和國戰歌》(英语:The Battle Hymn of the Republic)是首美國的愛國歌曲,由朱莉亞·沃德·豪(Julia Ward Howe)作詞,為南北戰爭期間十分流行的歌曲,原版詞曲是由南卡羅萊納州人威廉·史蒂夫(William Steffe)創作。該曲亦可稱為《迦南之樂土》(Canaan's Happy Shore)或《兄弟們,你們會遇見我嗎?》(Brothers, Will You Meet Me?)並被當成營火靈魂樂傳唱。這首好聽易懂的旋律傳遍全國各地,並作為許多新歌詞的配樂(但多數的歌詞十分粗俗)。
一位名叫湯瑪斯·比紹普(Thomas Bishop)的佛蒙特州男子在戰爭爆發之前加入了麻薩諸塞州的炮兵團,並在1860年左右以威廉·史蒂夫的旋律加上他創作的歌詞完成了歌曲《约翰·布朗之躯》。後來朱莉亞·沃德·豪聽到這首歌,又另行創作了新的歌詞,並命名為《共和國戰歌》。
1 曲調
2 歌詞
3 文化影響
4 其他引用
5 注释
6 参考文献
7 外部連結
- 這是其中一個版本的旋律,C大調。
- Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
- He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
- He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
- His truth is marching on.
- (Chorus)
- Glory, glory, hallelujah!
- Glory, glory, hallelujah!
- Glory, glory, hallelujah!
- His truth is marching on
- I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
- They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
- I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
- His day is marching on.
- Chorus
- I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
- "As ye deal with my condemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
- Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with His heel,
- Since God is marching on."
- Chorus
- He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
- He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
- Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
- Our God is marching on.
- Chorus
- In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
- With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
- As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
- While God is marching on.
- Chorus
- He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
- He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
- So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
- Our God is marching on.
- Chorus
- 中文歌詞(略跟英文版不同,最後一段被刪去):
- 我的眼睛已經看見主降臨的大光榮,
- 祂在踏盡含忿怒的一切不良葡萄種;
- 祂而抽出祂的怒劍發出雷電聲隆隆,
- 祂的真理正進行!
- (以下簡稱為合唱)
- 榮耀,榮耀哈利路亞!
- 榮耀,榮耀哈利路亞!
- 榮耀,榮耀哈利路亞!
- 祂的真理正進行!
- 祂而吹起號角聲音催我只向前奮進;
- 祂在祂的審判座前細察世界萬人心,
- 我的靈快快響應祂我雙足雀躍歡欣;
- 祂的真理正進行!
- (合唱)
- 海的那邊耶穌降生,
- 美麗正如百合花;
- 並懷含著無限光榮,
- 改變我們都像祂;
- 他曾死使人得聖潔,
- 我願捨身為自由,
- 祂的真理正進行!
- (合唱)
- (合唱,並會眾加入)
- 阿們,阿們!
The Battle Hymn of the Republic, Updated(1901)是馬克吐溫所作的諷刺歌詞,從一位因美西戰爭與美菲戰爭,而有感而發的美國企業家的觀點出發。這首歌的旋律是共產黨歌曲「永遠團結」的基礎,由拉爾夫·查普林在1915年所創作。在二戰期間的美軍傘兵們將之作成了另一首流行軍歌《傘繩上的鮮血》,旋律同原曲,但歌詞改編為語帶諷刺的版本,描述一名菜鳥傘兵在跳傘時因傘具故障而墜地身亡的故事。此曲在第101空降師、第82空降師等傘兵部隊中蔚為風潮。
- 日本大型連鎖購物中心友都八喜一直使用此曲(重新編曲版本)作為其廣告及店內廣播的背景音樂,而歌詞則換上由社長藤澤昭和填詞的版本,稱為「友都八喜之歌」。而每家分店的歌詞均根據途經的鐵路路線修改。
- 香港電訊商SUNDAY於1999年曾使用此曲作為其廣告「獨立日」的背景音樂。
- 中華民國將《Solidarity Forever》歌詞改編成《團結就是力量》,而《Solidarity Forever》與《共和國戰歌》的旋律相同來自《Brothers, Will You Meet Me》一曲
- 电子游戏地球防卫军系列中使用此曲作为主题曲。
^ The clause "let us die to make men free" is the most explicit reference to the Union soldiers and the fight to end slavery. In later years, when this song was sung in a non-military environment, this line was sometimes changed to "let us live to make men free".
^ The sixth verse is often omitted. Also, a common variant changes "soul of Time" to "soul of wrong", and "succour" to "honor".
1917 Sheet Music at Duke University as part of the American Memory collection of the Library of Congress
Easybyte - free easy piano arrangement of The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Julia Ward Howe by LAURA E. RICHARDS AND MAUD HOWE ELLIOTT- New England Music Archive