How to add Favicon to Blogger [Bugs Fixed]

A favicon (short for "favorites icon" and also known as a page icon), is an icon that is displayed in the browser address bar next to a site’s URL. This gives an identity to your Website. Surprisingly, this also improves SEO.

I have seen many tutorials which will help you to add Favicons to your Blogger / Blogspot Blogs. But I have seen a bug in those tutorials. The favicon doesn’t show up on the Post Pages. It shows up on the Index / Home page, label pages, search pages but not on the post pages. Post pages are the only exception. So, here is my tutorial.


1) Get a Picture (Eg: Logo) Upload it on and get the .ico version of the picture.

2) Upload the .ico to (This site accepts .ico extension)

3) Right on the picture and select ‘Copy Image URL’ or ‘Copy Image Location’ and obtain the path to your Favicon.

4) Now, go to the Blogger Dashboard –> Layout –> Edit HTML.

5) Find </head>

Paste this just before </head>

<link href=’YOUR IMAGE URL‘ rel=’Shortcut Icon’ type=’image/x-icon’/>

Technorati Tags: favicon,add,blogger,bugs,fix

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